Freedom Now!

SALSA, the South African Liberal Students Association, is a subsidiary of BLU ERA, and provides online civic education in BLU ERA networks. SALSA is focused on the propagation of Freedom, Opportunity, Responsibility, Liberty, Dignity, Privacy, Diversity, Utility, Fulfilment, Subsidiarity, Innovation, Transparency, Radicalism, Progress and Diligence. SALSA sees the achievement of Individual Freedom as its main objective.


SALSA, the South African Liberal Students Association, provides online civic education in BLU ERA networks. This civic education is designed to achieve Individual Freedom throughout the world.

SALSA operates Agitate Online as its main publication platform. SALSA operates SALSA Africa and SALSA Global to get out the vote for Liberalism. SALSA Programs operates the SALSA Leadership Initiative, the SALSA Leadership Training Program, the SALSA Governance Technologies and the SALSA Military Services to enable Liberal Governments. SALSA Branches operates Cape Town Liberals, Joburg Liberals and Durban Liberals to raise funding for Liberal political parties in Southern Africa. SALSA Projects operates the SALSA Vernacular Project, the SALSA Better South Africa Project and the SALSA Project Israel to build coalitions of Liberals, Libertarians, Moderates, Democrats and Environmentalists.

SALSA's work is designed to enhance Freedom, Human Rights, Responsibility, the Rule of Law, Opportunity, Conservation, Competition, Free Enterprise and the Market Economy.

SALSA Programs
SALSA Programs

Individual Freedom

Individual Freedom is a cause worth fighting for, especially when the alternative is "group think" and "herd mentality". All over the world, Liberals are working to remove illegitimate and corrupt regimes from office and power, in both the public and private sectors. The fight for Individual Freedom is not something that can be explained in platitudes about inequality, unemployment and poverty. Liberalism believes in Equality of Opportunity, in Work and in Dignity. The reason that social injustice exists is because the Social Nationalists need it to exist so that they can benefit from corruption. The reason that idleness exists is because the Conservative Theologicists need it to exist so that their inferiority complexes can be assuaged. The reason that economic deprivation exists is because the Communo-Workerists need it to exist so that they have a constituency to bribe with empty promises at election time. Individual Freedom is your entitlement, just do not impinge upon anyone else's Individual Freedom.

SALSA Website Links

Freedom Now!

The South African Liberal Students Association, SALSA, is determined to bring peace to the world, through Liberalism. Liberalism affords each Individual Person, their Personal Freedom and Personal Dignity. The core principles of Liberalism are Freedom, Human Rights, Responsibility, the Rule of Law, Opportunity, Conservation, Competition, Free Enterprise and the Market Economy. SALSA is consistently concerned with establishing coalitions of Liberals, Libertarians, Moderates, Democrats and Environmentalists to Govern for Freedom throughout the world. SALSA believes that illegitimate and/or corrupt governments must be removed from office and power by the sheer dint of the will of the people. SALSA engages with all relevant decision makers about policy as it affects Africa and the world at large. SALSA is intent on achieving a Crime-Free Global Village led by Liberal Governments throughout the world.

SALSA Programs

SALSA Program Purpose
SALSA Leadership Initiative The SALSA Leadership Initiative provides a focused leadership recruitment service for Liberal political parties and Liberal political associations, throughout the world. With a dedicated focus on recruiting the best candidates, in terms of quality, expertise, experience and public service delivery proficiency; the SALSA Leadership Initiative is the first choice for Liberal political parties and Liberal political associations, regardless of size. Contact the SALSA Leadership Initiative today to find and secure the best human resources for your Liberal political party or Liberal political association.
SALSA Leadership Training Program The SALSA Leadership Training Program is focused on the provision of human resource development services to Liberal political parties and Liberal political associations, throughout the world. With a dedicated focus on the training in Liberalism, the improvement of policy formulation skills, the honing of communications and negotiations abilities and the deepening of election management knowledge; the SALSA Leadership Training Program is the first choice for Liberal political parties and Liberal political associations, regardless of size. Contact the SALSA Leadership Training Program today to elevate the quality of the leadership of your Liberal political party or Liberal political association.
SALSA Governance Technologies The SALSA Governance Technologies provides a focused governance consulting service to client states and governments, throughout the world. With a dedicated drive to eradicate corruption and malfeasance as well as to improve public service delivery and citizen satisfaction, the SALSA Governance Technologies is the first choice for Liberal states and Liberal governments regardless of population size or demographic constitution. Contact the SALSA Governance Technologies today to enhance the ability of your Liberal state or Liberal government to be able to govern according to the principles of Liberalism, to deliver public services effectively and efficiently and to secure reputable citizen satisfaction for your Liberal state or Liberal government.
SALSA Military Services The SALSA Military Services provides a localised defence and security consulting services to client states and governments, throughout the world. With a dedicated drive to eradicate terrorism and insurrection as well as to improve the quality and justness of intelligence and policing and to create the conditions for armed services to be forces for good; the SALSA Military Services is the first choice for Liberal states and Liberal governments, regardless of geopolitical orientation. Contact the SALSA Military Services today to reconfigure your armed services so that they work for the people not against them, in your Liberal state or Liberal government.
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Transparency International

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